D. C. Grotto Library Serials List
as of May, 2022

The following is a list of the periodicals in the D. C. Grotto Library.  It shows the name of the publication, the first and last year in the Library files, the state of origin, and (usually) the publishing group.  Holdings for many publications are incomplete.  Contact Donnie Hammond at 571-699-6383 or theglobetrottingdonnie@yahoo.com to request material.

Locations of the publication in the library (mostly for internal use in finding a publication):
  “cab” means the issues are in one of six steel file cabinets.
  “env” means they are in an envelope filed in the last file cabinet.
  “box” means they are in one of four storage boxes.
  “tub” means they are in a plastic hanging file tub.
  "dig" means some or all the issues are in digital (PDF) format.  Most are scanned from original printed copies.

ACCA Newsletter 1990-1990 KY American Cave Conservation Assoc. tub2
Alaskan Caver 1970-2001 AK Glacier Grotto cab
AMCS Activities Letter 1977-1977 TX Assoc. for Mexican Cave Studies tub2
American Caves 1991-2001 KY American Cave Conservation Assoc. cab
Arizona Carbide Lamp 1975-1976 AZ NSS Arizona Regional Assoc. tub2
Arkansas Speleological Survey 1966-1967 AR Arkansas Speleological Survey tub2
Balls-Down Crawl Gazette 1978-1979 NY unknown grotto tub2
Baltimore Grotto News 1968-2019 MD Baltimore Grotto cab/dig
Bat Banding & Bat Research News 1962-1964 KY Wayne Davis, U of VT and U of KY tub2
Bat Times 1981-1987 TN Holston Valley Grotto tub1
Bats 1993-1993 TX Bat Conservation International tub2
BATS News 1990-2001 VA Battlefield Area Troglodyte Society tub1/dig
BCCS Newsletter 1981-1981 VA Butler Cave Conservation Society tub2/dig
Better Caves and Sinkholes 1984-1987 CA Santa Barbara Undergnd box2
Bexar Facts 1990-1995 TX Bexar Grotto cab
Birmingham Grotto Newsletter 1976-2001 AL Birmingham Grotto cab
Bloomington Indiana Grotto Nltr 1960-1991 IN Bloomington Indiana Grotto box4
Borehole Banter 1988-1991 NC Central Carolina Borehole Grotto cab
Brand-X 1977-1982 WA Xanadu Grotto tub1
Brass Light 1973-1986 VA Richmond Area Speleo Society cab/dig
British Caving Assoc. Newsletter 2004-2006 -- British Caving Association cab
Bucks County Diviner 1980-1992 PA Bucks County Grotto cab
California Caver (now Western Caver) 1961-2011 CA NSS Western Region cab
Carabiner Wrap-up 1972-1982 WV Greenbrier Grotto cab/dig
Carbide Courier 1993-2001 OH Dayton Underground Grotto cab
Carbide Dump 1970-2022 VA Blue Ridge Grotto cab/dig
CAS Newsletter 1980-1985 -- NSS Computer Applications Section tub2/dig
Cascade Caver 1968-2000 WA Cascade Grotto box4
Cavalier Caver 1963-2002 VA Charlottesville Grotto cab/dig
Cave and Karst Science 1995-2012 UK British Cave Research Assoc. cab
Cave Conservancy of the Virginias 1987-1987 VA Cave Conservancy of the Virginias tub2/dig
Cave Crawler's Gazette 1974-1997 AZ Central Arizona Grotto cab
Cave Cricket Gazette 1974-2000 OH Miami Valley Grotto cab
Cave Fill 1985-1985 MO St. Louis Univ. Grotto tub2
Cave In 1984-1984 IN Speleological Studies Group tub2
Cave Lights 1977-1977 NV Great Basin Grotto tub2
Cave Notes 1959-1967 CA Cave Research Associates cab
Cave Owner’s Newsletter 1993-1993 VA Virginia Cave Board tub2/dig
Caves and Cavers 1982-1982 VA Cave Conservation Institute tub2/dig
Caves and Karst 1967-1971 CA Cave Research Associates cab
Caving in the Rockies 1981-1983 CO Colorado Grotto cab
Caving Magazine 1976-1977 -- NSS publication tub2
Central Jersey Caver 1979-1997 NJ Central NJ Grotto tub2
CIG Newsletter 1963-2022 IN Central Indiana Grotto cab
CKKC Newsletter 1980-1987 KY Central Kentucky Karst Coalition cab
Cleve-O-Grotto News 1970-2009 OH Cleveland Grotto cab
COG Squeaks 1961-2001 OH Central Ohio Grotto cab
Colonial Caver 1966-1968 DC George Washington Univ. Grotto tub1/dig
Commander Cody Chronicles 1980-2004 DE Commander Cody Cave Club cab
Crawlway Courier 1968-1999 IL Little Egypt Student Grotto box4
Cumberland Valley Caver 1990-2015 PA Franklin County Grotto tub1/dig
D. C. Speleograph 1947-2022 DC District of Columbia Grotto cab/dig
Dead Dog Dispatch 1987-2011 WV Tri-State Grotto cab/dig
Der Fledermaus 1975-2003 NC Flittermouse Grotto cab
Der Schlaz (in German) 2007-2018
Association for Speleology in Munich dig
Desert Caver 1975-1997 AZ Escabrosa Grotto box3
Devil's Advocate 1980-2001 CA Diablo Grotto box4
Down Under 1976-1979 TN National Caves Association tub1
Dripstone 1966-1980 NY Cornell U Student Grotto tub1
DUG Scoops 1983-1999 MI Detroit Urban Grotto cab
Electric Caver 1971-2001 OH Greater Cincinnati Grotto cab
ESSO Bee 1989-1992 WV ESSO Grotto tub1/dig
European Region of the NSS 1977-1986 -- European Region of the NSS tub1
Explorer 1973-2011 CA Southern California Grotto cab
Florida Speleologist 1976-1994 FL Florida Speleological Society box3
Florida State Caver 1982-1990 FL Florida State Cave Club box2
Foggy Bottom Caver 1971-1971 DC George Washington Univ. Student Grotto tub2/dig
Foresight 1966-1982 MO Chouteau Grotto box1
Frederick Underground 1975-1980 MD Frederick Grotto cab/dig
Frog Croaks 1981-1981 AL Ft. Rucker Ozark Grotto tub2
Gasconade Grotto Newsletter 1964-1964 MO Gasconade Grotto tub2
GEM Caver 1968-1977 ID Gem State Grotto (1968 & 1977 only) cab
GEO**2 1979-1997 -- NSS Geology & Geography Section cab/dig
Georgia Spelunker 1961-1970 GA Atlanta Grotto cab
Georgia Underground 1966-2007 GA Dogwood City Grotto cab
GROSS Out 1981-1988 WV GROSS Grotto cab/dig
Groundhog 1977-1997 VA Shenandoah Grotto cab/dig
GSS Bulletin 1971-1971 GA Ga Speleological Society tub2
Guacharo 1964-1964 PA Swathmore Student Grotto tub2
Guano Gazette 1976-1994 MD Annapolis Grotto cab/dig
Guano Heap 1989-1992 CO Southern Colorado Mtn. Grotto box1
Habla ... Oztotl 1983-1989 TX Dallas-Ft Worth Grotto box1
Hard Hat News 1976-1976 CO Colorado State Outings Club tub2
Highlander 2004-2006 VA Virginia Highlands Grotto cab/dig
Highlands Caver 1981-1981 NC Highlands Grotto tub2
Hole Story (the) 1992-1994 GA Dogwood City Grotto tub2
Hole Truth 1977-1979 NY Niagara Frontier Grotto tub2
Hollow Earth News 1994-1999 WI Wisconsin Speleological Society cab
Huntsville Grotto Newsletter 1968-2001 AL Huntsville Grotto cab
IKC Update 1990-1991 IN Indiana Karst Conservancy tub2
Indiana Cave Survey News 1988-1988 IN Indiana Cave Survey tub2
Intercom 1961-1994 IA Iowa Grotto box2/dig
J. of the Yale Speleological Society 1966-1967 CT Yale Speleological Society tub2
Johnhouse News 1976-1984 OH Dayton Area Speleological Society cab
Joint Controlled Caver 1974-1977 WV Mountain State Grotto cab/dig
Journal of Cave and Karst Studies 1996-2009 -- NSS (supersedes NSS Bulletin) cab
Journal of Spelean History 1974-1989 -- NSS American Spelean History Assoc.
Karst Chronicle 2000-2008 PA Mid-Atlantic Karst Conservancy cab
Karst Kaver 1967-1980 WV Monongahela Grotto cab/dig
Karst Window 1967-1994 KY Louisville Grotto cab
Kentucky Caver 1972-1997 KY Bluegrass Grotto cab
Limestone Ledger 1970-1972 CA Sierra Mojave Grotto box1
Lower Level Ledger 1975-1976 VA New River Valley Grotto tub2/dig
Loyalhanna Troglodyte 1992-2003 PA Loyalhanna Grotto cab
Madison U. Grotto Quarterly 1981-1987 VA Madison Univ. Student Grotto cab/dig
Massachusetts Caver 1967-2022 MA Boston Grotto cab/dig
Maverick Bull 1986-2001 TX Maverick Grotto cab
Meramec Caver 1975-2001 MO Meramec Valley Grotto cab
Met Grotto News 1953-2002 NY Met Grotto cab
Michiana Caver 1980-2001 IN Northern Indiana Grotto cab
Mid Hoosier Grotto Newsletter 1988-1991 IN Mid Hoosier Grotto tub1
Mid-Illinois Grotto Newsletter 1968-1972 IL Mid-Illinois Grotto tub1
Miss. Underground Dispatch 1975-1986 MS Southern Mississippi Grotto box1
Missouri Speleology 1970-1970 MO Missouri Speleo Survey tub2
Missouri Underground 1969-1970 MO Kansas City Area Grotto tub2
Mole Hole Scroll 1986-1986 PA Franklin County Grotto tub2
Month's Guano 1989-2001 MO Kansas City Area Grotto tub1
MSS Liaison 1961-2000 MO Missouri Speleological Survey cab
MSS Newsletter 1956-1968 MO Missouri Speleological Survey tub1
Muddy Litter Letter 1992-1996 -- NSS Cave Rescue Section tub2
Mudslinger 1996-2002 VA New River Valley Grotto tub1/dig
NATCAP Grotto News 1969-1970 VA Arlington, VA tub2/dig
National Geographic 1934-1997 -- about 165 issues containing cave articles shelf
NCRC Newsletter 1984-1988 -- National Cave Rescue Commission tub1
Netherworld News 1966-2022 PA Pittsburgh Grotto cab/dig
New Hole Truth 1979-1979 NY see Hole Truth cab
New York Caver 1968-1968 NY MET Grotto tub1
Nittany Grotto News 1964-2013 PA Nittany Grotto cab
North Am. Biosphere Nltr. 1975-1985 -- NSS Biology Section box3
Northeastern Caver 1976-2022 -- NSS Northeastern Region cab/dig
NSS Administrative Memo 1990-1992 -- NSS (Evelyn Bradshaw) tub2
NSS Bulletin 1967-1995 -- NSS, replaced by J Cave & Karst Studies cab
NSS News 1954-2019 -- NSS, many early issues missing cab/dig
NWRA Northwest Caving 1980-1980 -- NSS Northwestern Region tub2
Nylon Highway 1974-2001 -- NSS Vertical Section cab
Ohio Valley Caver 1980-1991 OH NSS Ohio Valley Region tub2
Oklahoma Underground 1974-1990 OK Central Oklahoma Grotto box2
Open Cave (the) 1999-2001 WV West Virginia Cave Conservancy cab/dig
Out of the Mouth of Lucifer 1969-1970 GA Dantes Grotto tub2
Outlaw 1978-1993 WY Hole in the Wall Grotto box2
Ozark Speleograph 1984-1994 MO Lake Ozark Grotto (1984 & 1994 only) tub2
Ozark’s Underground 1975-1990 MO Ozark Highlands Grotto box1
Oztotl Caver 1989-1998 TX Dallas/Ft. Worth Grotto cab
Pack Rat Scat 1980-1998 PA Greater Allentown Grotto cab
Parkersburg Subterranean Flier 1984-1984 WV Parkersburg Grotto tub2
PCC Update 1985-1985 PA PA Cave Conservancy tub2
Petroglyph 1964-1996 IN Evansville box3
Philadelphia Grotto Digest 1968-1990 PA Philadelphia Grotto cab
Philadelphia Grotto Newsletter 1967-1968 PA Philadelphia Grotto cab
Philly Grotto News 1995-2005 PA Philadelphia Grotto cab
Pholeos 1982-2011 OH Wittenburg Univ. Speleological Society cab
Pine Mountain Fault 1997-2002 KY Pine Mountain Grotto cab
PITS 1990-1995 VA James River Grotto tub1/dig
Potomac Caver 1958-2022 VA Potomac Speleological Club cab/dig
PUB (the) 1978-1981 CO Southern Colorado Grotto tub1
Pueblo Underground 1977-1979 CO Southern Colo. Mtn Grotto tub2
Pulaski Underground 1984-1989 KY Lower Cumberland Speleo Society tub2
Range of Darkness 1979-1979 TX San Antonio Grotto tub2
RASS Register 1985-2000 VA Richmond Area Speleo Society cab
Region Record 1970-2022 -- NSS Virginia Region cab/dig
Rock River Irregular 1968-1994 IL Rock River Speleo Society box2
Rocky Mountain Caving 1984-2013 CO Colorado Grottos cab
Sag Bag 1988-1988 CA Shasta Area Grotto tub2
SFBC Newsletter 1979-2001 CA San Francisco Bay Chapter cab
Shippensburg Grotto Newsletter 1967-1968 PA Shippensburg Grotto cab
Social Sciences Newsletter 1975-1988 -- NSS Social Science Section tub2
Sonar 1983-1997 OK Tulsa Grotto cab
Southeast Caver 1975-1979 MO Southeast Missouri Grotto cab
Southwestern Cavers 1975-2001 NM NSS Southwestern Region cab
SPCCC Update 1991-1991 KY Somerset & Pulaski County Conc. Cit tub2
Spelean Spotlight 1980-2001 MI Michigan Interlakes Grotto cab
Speleo Themes (Huntsville) 1994-1994 AL Huntsville Grotto tub2
Speleocraft 1975-1975 IN
John Marshall High School Spelunking Club tub2
Speleogram 1977-1978 KS MOARKSOK Area Speleo. Assoc tub2
Speleograph (Oregon) 1977-1997 OR Oregon Grotto box1
Speleology 2003-2013 -- British Cave Research Assoc. cab
Speleonews 1974-2002 TN Nashville & Chattanooga Grottos cab
Speleonics 1985-1986 -- NSS Communications & Electronics Section tub2
Speleospace 1997-2001 TX Greater Houston Grotto tub1
Speleothem 1964-1969 MN Southwest Montana Speleo Soc tub2
Speleothemes 1961-1994 NJ Northern New Jersey Grotto cab
Speleotymes 1970-1970 IN Indiana U Spelunking Club tub2
Speleotype 1967-2000 TN East Tennessee Grotto cab
St. Louis U. Student Grotto Newsltr 1962-1969 MO St. Louis U. Student Grotto tub1
St. Thomas Aquinas Caver 1967-1967 MO St. Thomas Aquinas High School tub2
Stanford Grotto Monthly Report 1950-1952 CA Stanford Grotto cab
Stanford Grotto News 1988-1988 UT Stanford Grotto cab
Stanislaus Cave Examiner 1982-1993 CA Stanislaus Grotto box2
Subterranean Sun 1965-1968 DC American Univ. Grotto cab
Subterranean Sun 1974-2001 MD Sligo Grotto cab
Subterranean Traveler 1978-1978 MO Kansas City Area Grotto tub2
Subterranean Voice 1997-2001 IN St. Joseph Valley Grotto cab
Sunday Caver 1977-1980 NY Adirondack Grotto box3
SWTSG Newsletter 1971-1973 TX Southwest Texas State Univ. tub2
Tagline 1993-1997 TN Chatanooga Grotto tub1
Tampa Bay Caver 1983-1995 FL Tampa Bay Grotto box2
Tech Troglodyte 1965-1999 VA VPI Cave Club cab/cab
Terra Incognito 1977-1979 WV WVU Student Grotto tub2/dig
Texas Caver 1962-2000 TX Texas Speleological Assoc. cab
Tidewater Ooze 1977-2001 VA Tidewater Grotto (formerly Splash) cab/dig
Troglodyte 1968-1968 TN
Cumberland Grotto tub2
Troglodyte Tribune 1993-1999 NC Triangle Troglodytes cab
Twilight Zone 1993-1998 TN West Tennessee Grotto tub1
UAAC News 1967-1969 AZ UAAC Grotto tub1
Under the Highlands 1983-1989 MO Ozark Highlands Grotto tub2
Undergraph Interground 1990-1997 AL Undergraph Caving Club box3
Underground 1961-2000 MO Mid-Mississippi Valley Grotto box3
Underground Experience 1968-1969 NM Sandia Grotto tub2
Underground Express 1975-1977 OR Willamette Valley Grotto cab
Underground Leader 1974-1977 MO Ozark Highlands Grotto cab
Underground Mountaineer 1984-1994 TN Mountain Empire Grotto tub1
Underground Press 1986-1989 MO Kansas City Area Grotto tub2
Underwater Speleology 1983-2001 -- NSS, Cave Diving Section cab
Underworld 1983-1983 CT Central Connecticut Grotto tub2
Up Rope 1968-1971 DC PATC Mountaineering Section tub1/dig
UTG News 1977-1977 TX University Speleological Society tub2
Valley Caver 1973-2001 CA Mother Lode Grotto cab
VAR/FYI 1982-1989 VA Virginia Region of the NSS tub1/dig
Virginia Cellars 1987-2011 VA Virginia Speleological Survey cab/dig
West Virginia Caver 1983-2022 WV various WV grottos cab/dig
Western Caver (formerly Cal. Caver) 2011-2016 CA Western Region of the NSS cab
Western Maryland Troglophile 1983-1984 MD Western Maryland Grotto tub2/dig
Windy City Speleonews 1970-2022 IL Windy City Grotto cab/dig
Wisconsin Speleologist 1961-1993 WI Wisconsin Speleo. Survey box2
Wisconsin Speleology 1981-1981 WI Wisconsin Speleo. Survey tub2
WKSS Annual Report 1978-1984 KY Western Kentucky Speleological Survey cab
Women's News 1978-1980 -- NSS Women's Section tub2
WSS Bulletin 1980-1980 WA Washington Speleological Survey tub2
WTC News 1978-1979 TN West Tennessee Chapter tub2
Xanadu Quarterly 1977-1982 WA Xanadu Grotto tub2
York Grotto Newsletter 1961-1999 PA York Grotto cab

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