Nose Bat Syndrome: Help Needed!
Alan Hicks
the winter of 2006-2007, a large number of dead bats were discovered in
four Albany, New York, area caves (Hailes and Knox Caves, Schoharie and
Gages Caverns). Although it has not yet been confirmed, it seems likely
that this event was related in some way to a fungus that was observed
around the noses of roughly half the bats in Hailes Cave (see attached
photograph). None of the many bat researchers that were sent the
photograph had seen anything like it before.
We do not yet understand exactly what happened, or why, and are not
even sure that the fungus and the mortalities are related. We do know
that bats died by the thousands and that there is a chance that this
problem can be carried to other sites by either bats or cavers.
We need your help. We ask that when caving, each of you keep an eye out
for bats exhibiting this white nose condition or any unusual numbers of
dead bats. If you encounter either situation, please call Alan Hicks at
the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as soon as
possible (e-mail achicks@gw.dec.state.ny.us, cell 518-451-4632, office
[The article above also included the photo shown on the White-nose.info
home page. The article appeared in The Region Record,
Volume XXI Number 1, Winter 2007/08, published by the Virginia Region
of the National Speleological Society].
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last updated or verified on February 12, 2008