Upcoming DC Grotto Meetings and Events

Saturday, February 22
Day trip to Silers Cave

This will be a day trip to Silers Cave in West Virginia. The cave is horizontal and can be rather muddy. Details will be sent to the Grotto's email list about a week before the trip.

Sunday, March 16
Grotto Social Meeting

The meeting will be at the Quarry House Tavern at 8401 Georgia Ave in Silver Spring, MD. It's a 10-minute walk from the Silver Spring Metro station. The meeting starts at 7:30 PM. This is an informal meeting with friends, food, and beer. Check the Tavern's website at quarryhousetavern.com.

Saturday, March 22
Day trip to a cave to be determined

This will be a day trip to a Cave, probably in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia. Details will be sent to the Grotto's email list about a week before the trip.

Sunday, April 20
Regular Grotto Meeting on Zoom

The Zoom meeting will begin at 7 PM for socializing and the presentation at 7:30 PM. Anyone interested in caving is welcome to attend. You don't have to be a Grotto member. The program has not been determined. The Zoom link will be posted here and sent to the Grotto's email list about a week before the meeting.

May 9-11
Spring Meeting of the Virginia Region.

The Virginia Region is an association of grottos in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, DC, and small parts of adjoining states. The Region holds a meeting each spring and fall. There are numerous led and self-guided cave trips on Saturday, dinner, and a party on Saturday evening. Regional meetings are a great way to meet other cavers and see caves in a new area. The Spring VAR Meeting will be held at the Spruce Knob, West Virginia, about a 3.5 hour drive from DC. More information is available at https://var.caves.org/index.php/events/spring-var

Sunday, May 18
Grotto Social Meeting

The meeting will be at the Quarry House Tavern at 8401 Georgia Ave in Silver Spring, MD. It's a 10-minute walk from the Silver Spring Metro station. The meeting starts at 7:30 PM. This is an informal meeting with friends, food, and beer. Check the Tavern's website at quarryhousetavern.com.

June 21-28
2025 National Speleological Society Convention

The annual NSS meeting will be in Cobleskill, New Yourk. The convebntion considst of technical serssions, exploration reports from the U.S. and elsewhere, vertical climbing contests, a Howdy Party and banquet, and multiple cave trips. More information is at https://caves.org/convention/2025-nss-convention/.

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This page last updated or verified on February 9, 2025