Upcoming DC Grotto Meetings and Events

October 18-20
Weekend Cave Trips (in conjucnction with the Baltimoire Groto Pumpkin Hunt)

This will be a weekend with the Baltimore Grotto based at Thorn Spring Campground in Franklin, W. Va. The Pumpkin Hunt is a combination road rally, scavenger hunt, and caving event. You will solve clues to find the Great Pumpkin. Details were sent to the Grotto email list in early October.

Sunday, October 20
Regular Grotto Meeting on Zoom

The Zoom meeting will begin at 7 PM for socializing and the presentation at 7:30 PM. Anyone interested in caving is welcome to attend. You don't have to be a Grotto member. The program has not been determined.

The Zoom link will be posted here and sent to the Grotto's email list about a week before the meeting.

Sunday, November 17
Grotto Social Meeting

The meeting will be at the Quarry House Tavern at 8401 Georgia Ave in Silver Spring, MD. It's a 10-minute walk from the Silver Spring Metro station. The meeting starts at 7:30 PM. This is an informal meeting with friends, food, and beer. Check the Tavern's website at quarryhousetavern.com.

Saturday, November 16
Day trip to a relatively nearby cave

We may be able to go to Molers Cave in West Virginia's Eastern Panhandle. Details will be sent to the Grotto's email list about a week before the trip.

Saturday, December 7
DC Grotto Holiday Banquet

The banquet details are still being finalized. They will be posted here and sent to the Grotto's email list soon.

Saturday, December 28
Day trip to Whitings Neck Cave

This will be a day trip to Whitings Neck cave near Shepherdstown, W. Va. This will be both a horizontal and vertical trip. There is a 20-foot drop to repel, but the climb up can be completed without a full vertical setup. Details will be sent to the Grotto's email list about a week before the trip.

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This page last updated or verified on October 17, 2024